Scientifically Proving the Existence of God : Sy's Blog
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When I was a little boy I began to question what I was being told about God.  Much of what I was being told made no sense and was not congruent with what i felt a loving parent would be and do.  It made no sense that a parent would create a scenario where a person could die and be punished in torment for eternity.  What parent would create the circumstances of their children's lives and then kill them all for not being obedient.  These questions led me on the journey to begin to feel and know that God loves us, is both male and female, is our parents and designed a universe for us to play in that will never cease to amaze us with our potential to love and create.
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Sy Mytting

Scientifically Proving the Existence of God

by Syvert Mytting on 02/18/19

How would you prove the existence of atoms?  You would need to have a valid methodology and instruments capable of revealing the presence of the atoms. You would need to have some idea about their character and have faith, based on observation and analysis that they existed.  The same is true of proving the presence of God. First we must see the character of that which we seek. In the consideration of God we might start with the awe inspiring detail of ourselves, our nature and the precise character of the physical universe.  We could observe our own methods of creating as we have done since we breathed.  We could then move from the physical to the emotional or spiritual realms. We can observe the effect of emotion.  We can deduce from observation of emotion the possibility that God might be an emotional being. We create from the emotion of desire why would God not create the same way?  So we will need to find this God through the instrument we are given, our emotions. We will need to experiment, use our will and desire to see if we can perceive the presence of God and have a means to measure God's response to various inquiries. We will need to have faith that our endeavours will give us the answer. When we fail in an experiment we will have to create another experiment. This is the scientific approach. This is how I found God's love the first aspect of Her being. I have eternity and I suspect it will take all that time to explore and discover the attributes of that which is my Father/Mother.

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